Georgia Woman Desperately Looking for Son’s Ashes Lost in UPS Package to Connecticut, Offered $5000 for Help

A lady from Georgia traveled to Connecticut on Thursday in search of her son’s missing ashes.

Tangenika Lee, an Atlanta resident, stated on Jan. 8 that she sent a box containing her son’s ashes, clothing, jewelry, and an iPad to her sister’s home in Waterbury.

“She makes the urns, so she was gonna make one for me special,” she added.

But she said the delivery never came.

“The first day finding out the package was just lost,” Lee told me. “It seemed like I’d lost my son. I lost him. “I lost him again.”

Lee said she returned to the UPS store in Georgia with a police officer to study CCTV footage from that day.

Georgia Woman Desperately Looking for Son's Ashes Lost in UPS Package to Connecticut, Offered $5000 for Help

“They said they saw the package go out on January 8,” she explained, adding that they followed it all the way to a distribution location in Connecticut.

“We continue to express our condolences to the family for their loss and are deeply sorry that after working diligently, we were unable to locate the package,” a UPS spokeswoman said in a statement.

“We understand that no amount of money can make up for the loss of a loved one’s ashes, which is one of the primary reasons UPS refuses to transport human remains. We have repaid the estimated worth of the package’s contents, which were categorized as “clothing.”

Lee stated that she received a check for $135.

“That was an insult and slap in my face ’cause he was worth way more than that,” Lee went on to say.

The tragedy affected her especially hard because she stated she was detained for seven years and missed out on time with her kid. When she was released, she sought to regain custody, but unfortunately, her son died.

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“I had him cremated because I had been gone seven years. “I didn’t have that time with him,” she explained. “I wanted him to travel.”I completely changed my life. He did not get to witness it.”

Lee is now offering a $5,000 prize to anyone who can help her discover the box containing her son’s remains.

“Please return it. “That’s it,” she concluded. “I’m fine because I know he’s been gone for four years and I’ve lived with his absence before, but not again. I don’t care about the packaging. “Just lead me to my son’s remains.”


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