Chicago Woman Shares Her Story Following an Attack at a Drive-through ATM

Patricia Stary has lived on Chicago’s northwest side for years, but she never expected to become a victim of a horrific crime.

“This was not supposed to happen,” Stary told NBC 5. “I was just talking to my daughter and the guy came and banged on my window, I don’t know how many times.”

A man approached Stary while she was placing money into the bank ATM drive-through around two weeks ago, on February 18. He demanded her cash, which she gladly handed up, but he wanted more.

She claimed he started screaming and striking her with a metal rod.

“‘Give me all of your money,’ like yelling at me. “And I was like, ‘What the heck,’” she said.

The proof is still there on Stary’s face. Her deep bruises are mending and becoming yellow.

She stated that the injury caused by the suspect continues to give her headaches. She was hospitalized after the attack and had staples to close her wound.

“I had seven staples,” she explained. “I could not believe what was going on, I felt so helpless.”

According to a community advisory issued by Chicago police, the individual who attacked Stary could possibly be responsible for a series of crimes across the city that night. Stary is cooperating with police and bank management on her case.

She stated that she is also adjusting her routines, including wearing a bulletproof vest, to protect herself from any potential danger.

Chicago police are still investigating the matter. So far, no one is in custody.

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