Missing Georgia man last seen in Silver Spring located safe by authorities

Montgomery County Police have found the missing Georgia man safe and uninjured.

According to WUSA9, Andrew Mostyn, 23, was found in Pennsylvania on Sunday morning.

Prior to this update, Mostyn was last spotted over the Easter weekend. His family claims he was visiting his sick grandmother in Silver Spring, Maryland when he disappeared.

Mostyn’s mother, Joy Dameron, told WUSA9 that he left his grandmother’s home on Saturday, March 30, in a white Ford pickup truck with Georgia license plates.

Mostyn walked to the National Mall and promised his grandmother that they would spend Easter Sunday together. He was last seen at roughly 5 p.m. on March 30.

Missing Georgia man last seen in Silver Spring located safe by authorities
Missing Georgia man last seen in Silver Spring located safe by authorities

Dameron informed WUSA9 that Mostyn was posting on Snapchat from the National Mall.

“He had Easter plans with her… he told her I’d get up and go to Easter church, then hide eggs with the cousins. They made plans for the following day. Dameron spoke.

That same night, family members received mysterious messages from Mostyn’s cell phone.

“There were a few strange texts to my niece. Like ‘come over’. And he wasn’t even present; he was already missing. Dameron spoke.

Mostyn did not show up for work, and his dog, Koda, was left at home.

It’s unknown what transpired the night Mostyn visited the National Mall, or how he wound himself in Pennsylvania.

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