NH DHHS Issues Caution: Infinite Herbs Organic Basil May Be Contaminated of Salmonella

The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Public Health Services (DPHS), advises customers not to consume Infinite Herbs Organic Fresh Basil, which is marketed in 2.5-oz clamshells at Traders Joe’s locations. A multistate outbreak of Salmonella illnesses has been connected to this brand of basil.

Infinite Herbs Organic Basil was sold nationwide, including to Trader Joe’s shops in Nashua, Newington, and Bedford, New Hampshire. There are currently no New Hampshire cases related with the Salmonella epidemic.

NH DHHS Issues Caution: Infinite Herbs Organic Basil May Be Contaminated of Salmonella

“As Salmonella bacteria can cause serious illness, it is best to throw out any potentially contaminated food rather than risk infection,” stated Iain Watt, Interim DPHS Director.

The recalled product was voluntarily removed from retailers and should no longer be available for purchase. Customers who purchased Infinite Herbs Organic Basil should not consume the product and should inspect their refrigerators and freezers for any stored product.

Salmonella infection (salmonellosis) usually results in diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps 12–72 hours after infection. The disease typically lasts 4-7 days, and the majority of people recover without therapy.

However, in extreme situations, the diarrhea may be so severe that the patient requires hospitalization, and the infection may spread to the bloodstream and other body regions. In such circumstances, salmonellosis can be fatal unless antibiotics are administered soon. Anyone who feels they may have the condition should consult their doctor.

If you have any questions concerning salmonellosis, call the NH Division of Public Health Services at 603-271-4496. Visit the FDA’s website for more information on the recall and outbreak investigation.

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