Important Notice for Social Security Recipients: Expect Slight Delays in September Checks

Some Social Security recipients in the United States can expect a slight delay in receiving their September check. Three groups will receive their checks later than usual, causing a slight delay.

It’s worth noting that there are no irregularities in the payment calendar, and the payment consistently arrives during the third week of the month. For Social Security retirees who retired after May 1997, their first payment is typically scheduled for the second, third, and fourth Wednesday of the month.

Social Security Benefits to Get Delayed

There’s an important aspect of this that we must not ignore. There is a slight distinction in the payout schedule between the pre-May 1997 retiree group and the remaining group.

In September 2024, there are no anomalies for this particular group, although there may be occasional outliers to their payment day.

As a result, individuals who received a Social Security payment after May 1997 will be eligible to receive it one week later. Specifically, those who do not receive it during the second week of September. Therefore, we have identified the payment days for this group as follows:

Retirees started receiving Social Security benefits after May 1997, beginning on September 11th. In addition, individuals must have a birthdate between the 1st and 10th of the month.

Attention pensioners born after May 1997: Mark your calendars for September 18, as your Social Security benefits are scheduled to be paid on that day. Additionally, it is important to include birthdays that occur between the 11th and the 20th of the month.

Attention, pensioners born after May 1997: Your Social Security benefits will be disbursed on September 25th. In addition, individuals must have a birth date falling between the 21st and 31st of the current month.

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When examining the September calendar, it becomes apparent that due to the first day of the month being on a Sunday, the eleventh day actually falls within the third week of the month. Regardless, the timing of the payments is uniform for all eligible individuals.

To ensure prompt payment, remember to activate Direct Deposit. If you choose not to activate this option, Social Security will still pay the retirement check on the same day for all beneficiaries, but it may arrive a bit later.


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