Transgender 16-Year-Old Assaulted by Large Group of Teens in Massachusetts

In Gloucester, Massachusetts, a sizable gathering of other teenagers severely beat a teenager. According to the victim’s mother, he was singled out because of his gender identity.

At approximately 10:45 p.m. on Friday, an incident was reported. Since then, police and other officials have been investigating, including working with a specialist in hate crimes.

“One second, I was having fun, the next second, I was on the ground getting my face stomped and beat up,” Jayden Tkaczyk, 16, said.

In addition to bruising all over his body, he has a brain injury, a shattered bone in his face, and nerve damage.

“They were just saying the F slur over and over and over as they were punching me and stomping me,” he said.

“He’s been bullied by these children for years because he’s trans,” added his mother, Jasmine Tkaczyk.

According to Jayden Tkaczyk, he was attacked by 20 to 30 people on Friday night while hanging out in the Gloucester woods with pals.

And he thinks he understands why.

Tkaczyk claimed he made his way out of the woods, got lost, and dialed 911. He was taken and admitted to the hospital.

“Because I’m trans, and also because one of the main culprits, he’s dating my ex-girlfriend, so he really doesn’t like me,” he said.

Many of the assailants, according to the Topsfield Vocational Academy junior, are players on the football team at Gloucester High School.

He claimed to know them from his time as a sophomore football player in Gloucester.

“This has always been my worst fear as a mom of a trans teen, getting that phone call that your son is in the hospital for getting beaten up,” Jasmine Tkaczyk said.

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Conley stated that the incident happened in Dogtown and that police frequently search the deserted colonial settlement for evidence of underage alcohol consumption.

The district attorney’s office for Essex County acknowledged that it was informed of the accusations.


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