(518) Musicians on a Mission to Host Fundraiser for Capital City Rescue Mission

For many years, the Capital City Rescue Mission has provided food and services to the capital area. However, because the charity offers free Christmas dinners to thousands, the cost of the holidays can go even further. The charity has provided $3 million worth of meals to the neighborhood in the past year.

Donations are crucial to the organization’s operations because it does not accept any federal, state, or local funding. In order to continue offering vital services to individuals in need, (518) Musicians on a Mission will hold its yearly fundraiser on Sunday.

The Capital City Rescue Mission will benefit from a full day of great music. The Capital District Irish American Center, located at 375 Ontario Street, Albany, NY, will host the event, which is a beloved Albany institution, from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Admission is $25 and doors open at 1:30 p.m.You may get tickets here.

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