Man Dies After Collision with Police Vehicle and Jump from Highway Sign in Manteca

Thedailymiaminews– MANTECA Early on Wednesday morning, an encounter began on a Highway 120 overpass in Manteca, resulting in the death of a suspect and the hospitalization of an officer.

According to Manteca police, at around two in the morning, an officer was en route to assist with another incident when he saw a car on S. Main Street, close to Highway 120, swerving back and forth behind him.

Perceiving that the suspect was attempting to flag him down, the officer pulled over. The officer allegedly saw that the suspect, who had exited his car, was acting oddly at that point.

According to authorities, the suspect got back into his car after the officer kept his distance and ultimately got back into his patrol car. The suspect then crashed into the officer’s car. The police car’s airbags deployed as a result of the hit, and the driver’s side door became trapped closed.

When more cops arrived on the scene, they discovered the suspect standing on a highway sign on the overpass and once more outside his vehicle. The man allegedly jumped off the highway sign after officers attempted to communicate with him.

According to authorities, a passing pickup truck struck the suspect. He passed away right there.

The suspect is thought to have been a man in his early 30s, though authorities have not yet disclosed his name.

As a precaution, the officer whose patrol car was hit was transported to the hospital.

Highway 120’s westbound lanes have been closed since the early hours of the morning while the event is being investigated.

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