Is a Phantom Hitchhiker Haunting This South Carolina Mountain Road?

As you travel down a roadway that is more than fifteen miles long, you are located a significant distance away from anything of note. The abundance of trees and wildflowers that are always present on both sides of your vehicle are a characteristic feature. As your hold on the steering wheel becomes more firm and your eyes focus on the road in front of you, the rain starts to fall. At the precise moment when you turn the bend and catch a glimpse of what appears to be a person wearing a black raincoat in the distance, feelings of loneliness start to take hold.

While you are looking directly into the eyes of the stranger, you see that he is fairly pale and seems to be lost. Is it better to pick up the man or to continue on? This is a question that many people have been troubled by when they have come across the claimed ghost of aviator Larry Stevens, who was said to have crashed in this location in the 1950s after departing the airport in Greenville, South Carolina. Many people are under the impression that Stevens is the hitchhiker, as he is seen on nights when it is raining and foggy, frantically attempting to flag down passing automobiles. The fact that several accidents have taken place along this stretch of road over the course of the years is something else that should be mentioned. A few of people are of the opinion that the hitchhiker might also be a ghost from one of these accidents.

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Moody Spring, which is located in Oconee County, is the location where the spectral spirit appears to have a specific destination in mind when it is approached by individuals who are courageous enough to travel along this stretch of highway. Debris from the plane crash that Steven was involved in was discovered dispersed across the world, but his body was never found.

In South Carolina, the Walhalla Hitchhiker is considered to be one of the most remarkable paranormal stories, and it continues to captivate the imaginations of a considerable number of people who choose to visit this region.

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