A locally owned and operated restaurant located in the beautiful Florida Keys is currently experiencing the negative impact of the massive wildfire that occurred last week. This unfortunate event greatly disabled traffic in the area and, as a result, discouraged many potential clients from coming by during what is typically one of the busiest periods of the year for the restaurant.
Sal’s Ballyhoo’s, an old and reputable institution that has been a mainstay between Florida City and Key Largo, saw its business operations severely affected as the road closures, which were caused by brush fires, left employees unable to report to work and caused severe disruptions in the delivery of critical supplies.
The restaurant, owned by the skilled Chef Sal Barrios Sr. and effectively run by his son, the committed Sal Barrios Jr., lost a valuable and important week that is typically packed with lucrative earnings because of the gridlock traffic nightmare that happened.
Employees left high and dry, commerce disrupted
“Servers weren’t able to make it here,” said Barrios Jr. “The process was very stressful for me. I was in a spot where I had to do bussing. And I had to call my brother in and have him come in and help, my dad and everybody else that I could possibly imagine. It really was a situation where it was all hands on deck at that point. Even my mom had to come in and help, even if it was just a little bit.”
The blaze, which has blackened a huge swath of nearly 27,000 acres—a patch bigger than the City of Fort Lauderdale itself—sent rolling clouds of smoke drifting and billowing ominously above U.S. 1 and Card Sound Road, the only two highways still open for coming and going from the Keys.
Since both roads were temporarily closed, Ballyhoo’s dedicated team, most of whom live on the mainland, were placed in a position where they were stranded and could not make it home.
The disruption that was caused also led to the unfortunate cessation of deliveries of fresh produce from Homestead, which subsequently caused further pressure on operations.
A disappointment in the spring break period.
March is the second busiest part of the entire year for Ballyhoo, with both Spring Break vacationers who are ravenous for enjoyment and activity, and rabid NASCAR enthusiasts who drive in from the nearby town of Homestead. But much to everyone’s surprise, last week the customary hordes of tourists just never showed up at all.
Heather King, who is a frequent and loyal diner at the restaurant, and often brings her friends and family with her to enjoy the experience, went out of her way to dine there on Monday to show her support for the business.
“We are definitely going out of our way to take care of one another as we are here in this community,” King said. “Also, I own a business locally, and it is crucial that we take care of one another in these times.”