Judge Throws Woman in Jail after She Killed Two while Driving High on Pink Cocaine

A self-described social media model who was accused of using drugs and was charged in connection with a fatal Miami crash appeared in court again on Monday to request her release from custody.

Maecee Lathers is accused of manslaughter. She is charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated and murdering two individuals in the August 10th collision.

Judge Teresa Mary Pooler ordered the 24-year-old Lathers to be detained in jail without bond pending her November trial at the hearing on Monday.

Prosecutors also showed surveillance and body camera footage of the aftermath of the dramatic crash in court on Monday. An officer overhears Lathers informing him that she used a party drug called “tusi.”

Her account to police was verified by a toxicology result, which also mentioned that she had a number of narcotics in her system.

Read More: Woman Schemed with Man to Kill Grandparents; Authorities Arrested Two for Brutal Killings of the Lovely Couple in Florida

Because he believed the state did not provide any new evidence during Monday’s hearing, Lather’s attorney argued that his client ought to be placed under home arrest.

“The only thing that the video has is what was already placed inside of the affidavit,” said Lather’s attorney.

Judge Pooler displayed uncompromising rhetoric and characterized Lathers as a threat to the community.

“As much as I respect house arrest, if someone wants to go they can go. It’s a simple matter of cutting that bracelet off and leaving,” said Pooler.

Relatives of the victims Jesus Rubio and Abraham Molina were visibly upset in court and appreciative that the judge decided to keep Lathers in jail.

“Justice is being served, although this case remains open,” said surviving victim Juana Hernandez.

Hernandez, along with Rubio and Molina, was in the car, but he lived. Although she felt the judge should have seen the video, she said that watching it in court was tough because it made her dream again.

“The judge did the right thing,” said Hernandez.


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