Protesters disrupted Biden over a dozen times at campaign rally

Anti-war protesters stopped a Biden campaign speech on abortion rights 13 times on Tuesday, condemning the president’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

During President Joe Biden’s speech, one protester shouted “Genocide Joe,” while another demanded a “cease-fire now.” A separate demonstrator held a sign that read “Let Gaza Women Live,” while another waved a Palestinian flag.

The interruptions came just a few minutes apart, with Biden supporters attempting to drown out the demonstrators with chants of “four more years” and other cheers as he sought to go through.

“They feel deeply,” Biden stated in response to a protester.

He also conceded that the interruptions would most certainly continue.

“This is going to continue for a while,” Biden remarked. “They have this planned.”

When asked for a response, a Biden campaign staffer stated that the address was excellent.

Protesters disrupted Biden over a dozen times at campaign rally

The disruptions occurred a day after protestors disrupted a former President Donald Trump event in New Hampshire on the eve of the state’s primary.

Biden has previously encountered anti-war demonstrators who disrupted his engagements, as well as protesters outside his speaking locations.

In November, an NBC News poll revealed that 34% of registered voters approved of his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, while 56% disapproved. The percentages were worse among people under the age of 35, with around 70% disapproving of Biden’s handling of the war.

The Israel-Hamas war began on October 7, when Hamas conducted an attack in Israel that killed around 1,200 people. Around 240 people were also abducted as hostages in Gaza, with more than 100 still being detained.

The Palestinian Health Ministry reports that more than 25,400 individuals have been killed in Gaza since the conflict began.

Biden’s campaign speech on Tuesday focused on reproductive rights, one day after the 51st anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. He contrasted his approach to abortion protections with Trump’s agenda.

“Let’s remember, it was Donald Trump and his Supreme Court who ripped away the rights and freedoms of women in America,” Biden said, alluding to the court’s 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. “It’ll be Joe Biden and [Vice President] Kamala Harris and all of you who are going to restore those rights for the women in America.”

Biden also restated his vow to sign a bill to reinstate Roe v. Wade protections if Congress sends it to his desk.

“Today is a day to take action with your voice, strength, and vote. We can restore the safeguards that have been in place for over 50 years under Roe v. Wade,” Biden added, as cheers from the audience drowned out a protester’s yells.

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