New York Governor Hochul Demands Deportation of Migrants Linked to Times Square NYPD Attack

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said Thursday that the migrants who were seen on video beating two police officers in Times Square over the weekend should be deported.

“Get them all and send them back,” she replied when asked about the people arrested in connection with the assaults. “Do not touch our police officers. “You don’t touch anyone.”

She made identical remarks Wednesday when a reporter asked if the people should be deported.

“I believe that is something that should be investigated if someone commits a crime against a police officer in the state of New York when they are not legally present. “Definitely worth looking into,” said Hochul, a Democrat.

A police official told NBC News on Thursday that all seven people arrested in the event were migrants. At least two provided police with addresses that have previously served as a refuge for freshly arrived migrants. The Manhattan district attorney’s office declined to comment on the suspect’s immigration status.

New York Governor Hochul Demands Deportation of Migrants Linked to Times Square NYPD Attack

Around 8:30 p.m. Saturday, cops attempted to disperse an unruly crowd on 42nd Street when a physical conflict erupted, according to a police spokesperson.

When cops attempted to arrest someone, “multiple unidentified individuals repeatedly kicked and punched the officers in the head and body,” the statement stated.

According to authorities, the people then fled, leaving the officers with minor injuries. The chief of patrol, John Chell, condemned the assaults and labeled the perpetrators “cowards.” He stated that eight people were involved in the attack on the cops, one of whom was a lieutenant.

A representative for the district attorney’s office stated that five of the seven people arrested were arraigned and released on their own recognizance. Yorman Reveron is 24 years old, Darwin Andres Gomez-Izquiel is 19, Kelvin Servita Arocha is 19, Wilson Juarez is 21, and Jhoan Boada is 22. Reveron was placed on supervised release. They were all charged with assault on a police officer, gang assault, obstructing governmental administration, and disorderly conduct. According to the spokesperson, the five suspects face felony charges that carry a maximum punishment of seven years.

On Wednesday, Hochul questioned the decision to release the accused.

“I’m not satisfied with that at all,” she replied. “These are law enforcement officers who should never, ever be physically assaulted. It’s wrong on every level, and I’m looking on courts and prosecutors to do the right thing. We have modified the bail laws.

We now have different legislation as a result of what we accomplished in the 2022 and 2023 budgets, and we are seeing a decrease in repeat offenders. We have a lot of evidence that demonstrates it’s working, yet the situation seems disgusting to me.”

On Friday morning, Chell expressed disappointment that some of the suspects had been released.

“We just don’t understand why bail wasn’t requested,” he stated while appearing on “Morning Joe.” “That does not change the fact that the judge may have considered the circumstances. I don’t know if she watched the video. We don’t know yet, but she had the opportunity to say, ‘Well, wait on a second.'”

Chell further stated that some of the men who have been released are suspected to have fled New York via bus. The district attorney’s office announced Friday that it was investigating the allegations. The men are not compelled to remain in New York under the terms of their release.

Yohenry Brito, 24, and Jandry Barros, 21, were detained for robbery and felony assault. The district attorney’s office has declined to charge Barros. According to an office representative, “there is not sufficient evidence that he is one of the people who committed this terrible act.”

“The question here is whether the arrested person was even involved,” the official stated.

Brito was arraigned on Thursday, and his cash bail was set at $15,000. He is appearing in court on Tuesday.

New York Governor Hochul Demands Deportation of Migrants Linked to Times Square NYPD Attack

The district attorney’s office stated that it requested bond in Brito’s case because he “doesn’t have a permanent address or strong community” and that the amount is “reasonably necessary to ensure” his return to court. Brito pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in September and currently has two ongoing bench warrant cases, according to the district attorney’s office.

“Violence against police officers is never acceptable,” the district attorney’s spokesperson stated. “It is paramount that we conclusively identify each defendant and specify each participant’s role in the incident.”

According to a representative for New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the city is now caring for about 66,900 migrants and has received over 173,900 through its admission system since spring 2022.

More than 1,500 new migrants entered the city’s care last week, according to a spokeswoman.

Democratic governors and mayors, including those in Boston, Chicago, and New York, have been overwhelmed by the record number of migrants arriving in their cities, many of whom were bused from Texas as part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) campaign for stricter border security. Mayors have asked for additional assistance from President Joe Biden.

Biden has stated that he is willing to close the US-Mexico border if Congress delivers him a measure to approve.

“A bipartisan bill would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system and allow speedy access for those who deserve to be here, and Congress needs to get it done,” Biden told reporters over the weekend.

“It will also give me, as president, the emergency ability to close the border until it is under control. If that bill were passed today, I would close the border immediately and fix it.”


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