Check Out the 10 Most Horrific Places in Detroit, Michigan

Detroit, a city with a rich and varied past, also has some of Michigan’s most eerily beautiful and terrible sites. As of 2024, the city’s ominous past continues to fascinate and frighten residents and visitors alike. This article delves into the biggest horror destinations in Detroit, each with its own terrifying narrative.

The Alhambra Building

The Alhambra Building is notorious for a 1904 poisoning episode in which arsenic was inserted into the meals of over 40 families, resulting in two fatalities. Visitors continue to report the presence of departed ghosts, making it a terrifying destination for ghost enthusiasts.

The Whitney

The Whitney, formerly the stately residence of a timber tycoon, has been transformed into a popular restaurant haunted by its past. The area is known for paranormal activity, as evidenced by frequent reports of apparitions, changed settings, and strange shadows.

The Mason’s Temple

The Masonic Temple, known for its hidden rooms and secret stairs, serves as a playground for ghosts. Slammed doors and chilly touches from invisible hands are among the paranormal incidents recorded here. The temple is believed to be haunted by the spirit of George D Mason, who erected it and died by jumping from its roof.

Cadieux Café

Dining at Cadieux Café can be a nerve-racking affair. Patrons describe paranormal activity such as moving objects, horrifying apparitions, and touching from unknown hands. The owner’s mother’s spirit is often seen at the pub.

Historic Fort Wayne

Although no fight took place here, Fort Wayne is home to numerous hauntings, especially of soldiers who served at the fort. Ghostly events have been reported in the Visitor’s Center, particularly in the restroom.

Elmwood Cemetery

Elmwood Cemetery, one of Michigan’s oldest cemeteries and the location of the Battle of Bloody Run, is said to be haunted by apparitions of soldiers among the graves. Due to its tragic history, the cemetery is a popular location for ghost sightings.

Two Way Inn

Detroit’s oldest saloon, the Two-Way Inn, has served as a brothel, jail, and speakeasy. This business, noted for paranormal phenomena, is haunted by the souls of the original owner, Colonel Philetus Norris and others.

The Detroit Symphony Orchestra Building

The spirit of Russian pianist Ossip Gabrilowitsch, who performed with the DSO in the early 1900s, is supposed to haunt the building. Visitors and workers have reported witnessing his apparition and hearing strange voices and sounds.

Saint Aubin House

St. Aubin House, the location of a brutal murder in 1929, where the severed head of cult leader Benny Evangelist was discovered, has a terrible past. The unsolved crime and the existence of spirits make the area scary for those bold enough to study its past.

Eloise Asylum

Eloise Asylum, located just outside Detroit, was once the country’s largest psychiatric facility. The abandoned campus now serves as a hub for paranormal investigations, with stories of apparitions, odd sounds, and an overall air of discomfort.


Detroit’s haunted landmarks offer a glimpse into the city’s past, combining historical relevance with spooky tales. These locations, each with its own frightening story, continue to captivate and frighten people interested in the darker side of history. Whether you’re a seasoned ghost hunter or merely interested in the paranormal, Detroit’s horror attractions will take you on a spine-tingling tour you’ll never forget.

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