5 Most Snake Infested Lakes in the US in 2024

Snakes are everywhere in America. These snakes live in woods, deserts, and water sources around the country.

There are 15 aquatic species in the country, so watch out for snakes when swimming in your favorite lake. Fortunately, the US has only one lethal water-dwelling snake, so it’s unlikely to be a problem.

Water snakes prefer quieter surroundings but can be found near rivers, lakes, ponds, and marshes. We must know where these snakes live to be on the alert. The top 5 snake-infested US lakes are listed below.

Lake Hartwell, Georgia

Lake Hartwell is home to many species, but the eastern copperhead should be avoided. They inhabit woodlands, rocky places, and more. They are plentiful near Lake Hartwell but prefer leafy and brushy places for hiding.

Eastern copperheads are gray to tan with reddish-brown hourglass patterns. From the side, they resemble chocolate kisses. The vivid copper color of their heads gives them their name.

However, copper shades vary. Pay attention to the pit viper head and skinny neck. Lake Hartwell snake novices may mistake the copperhead for the northern water snake, which has similar colors and markings.

Like rattlesnakes and other nonvenomous colubrids, copperheads shake their tails before striking when frightened. Most copperhead bites occur when someone steps on or harasses the snake, as their primary defense is sitting still and hoping you don’t see them.

Timber and pygmy rattlesnakes are present, but not as many as copperheads, the major pit vipers. Does this lake have alligators? None have been found. Extremely unlikely.

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Lake Gaston, VA

Copperheads, cottonmouths, and timber rattlesnakes live near Lake Gaston. Cottonmouth and copperhead snakes are the most active, but timber rattlesnakes are also present.

Pit vipers cause agony, swelling, bruising, and redness at the bite site. Depending on the species, its venom contains hemotoxins, cytotoxins, neurotoxins, or a mix.

Timber rattlesnakes are sometimes called canebreak and banded rattlesnakes. It is related to the prairie rattlesnake and found in eastern North America.

Texas Lake Texoma

Texoma has various snake species. As temperatures rise, snakes do too. Copperhead, cottonmouth, and three rattlesnake species inhabit Texoma Lake. Texas coral snakes are shy, so seeing one is rare.

Texoma has diamondback rattlesnakes. Despite its name, it doesn’t always rattle. It will live in woods and coastlines without much preference.

Breathe and identify any snake before approaching. If you need snake relocation, Texas offers several people prepared to help.

Lake Okeechobee, FL

34 of Florida’s 46 native snake species—four of the six venomous—live in South Florida. Three non-native species live in South Florida, including timber rattlesnakes, which are endemic to northern Florida and copperheads with a minor panhandle presence.

In a state full with them, Burmese pythons may soon rule. They have spread from the southern Everglades to Naples and Lake Okeechobee in recent decades.

Wading birds, rabbits, deer, and alligators are all prey. The camouflage pattern is nearly excellent. When hiding in grasses and shrubbery, even expert snake hunters may have trouble finding them.

The Burmese python has spread so rapidly in Florida that it threatens many local species. Although some people released their unwanted pet snakes, nature produced the biggest Burmese python problem. Hurricane Andrew, which devastated Florida in 1992, wrecked a breeding facility and unleashed many snakes.

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Floris locals should trap and kill Burmese pythons humanely whenever possible.

Lake Erie, Ohio

Nearly 12,000 Lake Erie water snakes exist. In 2011, it became the 23rd species removed from the federal Endangered Species List, following the bald eagle, American alligator, and peregrine falcon. The water snake has 300 acres of inland habitat and 11 miles of shoreline protected.

The little nonvenomous Lake Erie watersnake lives on the islands. As its name implies, this snake is semiaquatic but spends a lot of time on land. It’s usually 150 yards off shore while in water. The body is pale grey to dark brown with faint deeper gray or brown stripes.

Most days, they eat amphibians and fish near water. Sunbathing and hiding are easy on Lake Erie’s stony shores.

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