The Top 10 American States Highly Infested by Termites

These tiny, colony-living insects feed on wood and plant material, and they regularly become pests in houses around the country. Termites damage your home or business’s infrastructure and wreak havoc on shrubs and trees. Preventing an infestation is challenging enough, but treating an established infestation is time-consuming. Termites cost billions of dollars in damage each year, as well as tremendous worry for homeowners.

Let’s look at the top ten worst states for termites and why they are ideal breeding grounds for infestations.


Florida is officially the worst state in the nation for termite damage. They are a prevalent problem in the state because of the warm, humid atmosphere, which fosters the growth and reproduction of these insects. Florida contains four types of termites: dampwood, subterranean, drywood, and conehead. Subterranean termites are the most expensive and cause the most damage throughout the state.


Georgia, like Florida, has a warm and humid climate all year, making termites a danger across the state. The worst times of year for termites in Georgia are spring and summer, particularly subterranean termites, which flourish in damp soil. The eastern subterranean termite is the most common species in Georgia.

The Top 10 American States Highly Infested by Termites

South Carolina

South Carolina has a warm and humid climate, like do most other southern states. Because of its excellent climate, the state is a hotbed of termite activity, particularly around the shore. Subterranean termites cause havoc in the area since they require moisture to survive. South Carolina lies under TIP Zone One (Termite Infestation Probability), which means termite damage is quite likely.

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Alabama is one of the worst states for termite damage due to its regular rain and high temperatures. This Southern state is a hotbed for these insects due to its favorable habitat for termites, which can swiftly swarm to moist wooden regions around your home. The dreaded southeastern subterranean termite plagues the state between March and June.


Mississippi contains three primary termite species: eastern subterranean, formosan, and southeastern drywood. While infestations occur throughout the state, they are particularly common in Mississippi’s coastal areas. Termites are active all year in the state, but swarms are most likely to occur between spring and fall.


Louisiana enjoys warm, moist weather all year, which allows numerous varieties of termites to thrive inside its limits. While looking for nourishment, termites frequently make their way inside Louisiana homes, causing structural damage. Termites are active and prevalent throughout the state, but swarming season runs from April to June, peaking in mid-May.


Subterranean termites are found across Texas, although drywood termites are more common in coastal areas. Texas has one of the highest termite densities in the country, and the warm, humid weather makes homes susceptible to infestations. Eastern Texas is in the extremely heavy TIP Zone, and Central and Western Texas are in the moderate to heavy zones.

The Top 10 American States Highly Infested by Termites


Termite infestations are a widespread concern in every county in California. However, they are most frequent in the south and along the shore. Subterranean termites are the most frequent type in California, and they usually swarm during the warmer months. However, they might be active at any time of the year.

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Arkansas is in the moderate to severe zone (TIP Zone 2) for termite infestation. These insects are highly active and spread throughout the state, particularly subterranean termites, which can cause significant damage. The invasive Formosan termite does not now live in Arkansas. However, it is common in adjacent states.

North Carolina

North Carolina lies in TIP Zone 2, with a moderate to high risk of termite infestation. Termites, particularly subterranean termites that live in the soil, thrive in the state’s warm, humid climate. They can live all year in the state, however they are most commonly seen in the spring and summer when the temperature heats up.


Termites pose a significant threat to homes and businesses, causing billions in damages annually. Florida tops the list of worst states due to its warm climate, followed by Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, California, Arkansas, and North Carolina. These states’ conducive environments make them hotbeds for termite infestations, requiring vigilant prevention and treatment measures.

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