People in These Iowa Counties Are Fleeing As Soon As Possible

Iowa is not one of the United States’ largest states in terms of land area or population. In truth, according to the 2020 United States Census, the state has a total population of only 3,190,372.

However, the Hawkeye State’s population is gradually increasing, and it already has 3,200,517 residents. Some Iowa counties are seeing severe population declines. Today, we’ll look at which Iowa counties have lost the most inhabitants between 2020 and 2022.

Using statistics from the United States Census Bureau on county population changes, we can determine which portions of Iowa are declining.

Dubuque County

Dubuque County is located in eastern Iowa, and its eastern boundary runs along the Mississippi River. The main city in this region is Dubuque, with a population of almost 60,000 people.

The population of Dubuque County was 99,264 in 2020. However, by July 2022, the population had plummeted to 98,677. That means the population has decreased by 587 persons, or 0.6% of the total.

Looking at the minor loss in population to begin this list, it is evident that Iowa counties are not losing a large amount of residents. Instead, many counties’ populations are increasing, and only a few counties in the state have lost more than 500 persons in the last two years.

People in These Iowa Counties Are Fleeing As Soon As Possible

Des Moines County

Des Moines County is in southeastern Iowa. This county has a boundary with Illinois to the east along the Mississippi River. Burlington is the major city in the region.

Des Moines County’s population was initially 38,907 according to the 2020 Census. However, the population of the region fell by 614 people over the next two years. So the population grew to 38,293 persons. This means that the county’s population decreased by 1.6% during the course of two years.

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Cerro Gordo County

Cerro Gordo County is located in northern Iowa. This area is home to one of Iowa’s largest lakes, Clear Lake. Mason City is the region’s largest city, with a population of over 27,000 residents.

According to the 2020 Census, Cerro Gordo County has a total population of 43,132. The population fell to 42,409 persons in the two years following the census. As a result, the area lost 723 people during this time, representing a 1.7% reduction in population. Cerro Gordo is probably one of the Iowa counties whose populations are declining.

People in These Iowa Counties Are Fleeing As Soon As Possible

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Muscatine County

Muscatine County is located in southeastern Iowa, on the border with Illinois. The Cedar River flows through this county before confluence with the Iowa River farther south. Muscatine is the county’s largest city, with a population of almost 24,000 people.

Muscatine County began 2020 with a population of 43,242. According to 2022 predictions, this region’s population is 42,377 people. The population in this area decreased by 865 persons or 2% of the total population. That’s a significant number of people who have departed the area in just two years, with the population decline accelerating between 2021 and 2022.

Blackhawk County

The University of Northern Iowa is located in Black Hawk County, with Waterloo as its biggest city. Waterloo has a population of 67,000, ranking among the state’s ten largest cities.

In 2020, Black Hawk County had a population of 131,147, making it one of the most populous counties. However, the population in this area decreased between 2020 and 2022. The county’s population was estimated to be 130,274 in 2022. 873 persons left this region of the state, accounting for 0.7% of the total population.

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Linn County

People in These Iowa Counties Are Fleeing As Soon As Possible

Linn County is located in eastern Iowa and is the second most populous county in the state. Cedar Rapids is the largest city in the area, with a population of over 137,000 people.

Linn County is another huge county in Iowa, and it is also the leader among Iowa counties with declining populations. In 2020, 230,303 people lived in this area. However, by July 2022, this county had a population of only 229,033.

The population decreases in these Iowa counties are rather small. In fact, they’re so little that identifying a major trend is challenging. The state’s population is growing overall. Polk County, the state’s most populous county, saw an 8,678-person rise in population between 2020 and 2022.

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While Iowa’s overall population is increasing, some counties like Dubuque, Des Moines, Cerro Gordo, Muscatine, Blackhawk, and Linn are experiencing modest declines. Though these decreases are relatively small, it contrasts with the statewide growth trend. Polk County, the most populous, has seen significant population gains during the same period.

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