Experts Ranked It as the Dirtiest City in South Carolina

You can learn a lot when traveling. You learn about the local culture, cuisine, and a variety of other topics. Overall, this is a learning experience. However, when you visit a new city, you will notice if it is clean or dirty.

There are numerous elements that contribute to a city’s dirtiness. It can sometimes be due to city pollution. It also affects how people live, such as whether the streets are paved or cleaned, among other things. Another aspect is how the city’s infrastructure appears. So, let’s look at what experts say is South Carolina’s dirtiest city.

About Charleston

Experts Ranked It as the Dirtiest City in South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina, was founded in 1670 and is located on the Atlantic Ocean, where the Ashley, Wando, and Cooper rivers converge. Although not the capital, the city has the highest population in South Carolina, with 150,000 people.

Charleston is named after King Charles II, and its early colonial history is significant, if contentious, in terms of slavery and the Civil War. In 2018, the city issued an official apology for its involvement in the country’s slave trade.

Pollution in Charleston

Unfortunately, Charleston suffers from two types of pollution. The first sort of pollution is atmospheric pollution. This is because there are so many automobiles, trucks, and corporations polluting the air. Fortunately, Charleston’s performance has improved slightly in recent years.

Experts Ranked It as the Dirtiest City in South Carolina

The other sort of pollution is water pollution, which is caused by the high volume of sea vessel activity near Charleston’s port. Environmentalists have urged for new laws to limit the number of maritime vessels entering Charleston waters.

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City’s Living Conditions

Charleston’s crime rate is slightly higher than the national average, but it is generally comparable to other larger cities. Bugs are plentiful, particularly throughout the summer. This is owing to the high humidity throughout the summer months, but having so many bugs, particularly cockroaches, roaming the streets is still extremely irritating.

Experts Ranked It as the Dirtiest City in South Carolina

Finally, residents have complained about trash and other unpleasant conditions on Charleston streets. They have urged the administration to conduct additional cleanups and other efforts to make the city cleaner.

Infrastructure in Charleston

Charleston’s infrastructure ranks #59, indicating that it is satisfactory. Going beyond that, there are plenty of landfills, rubbish yards, and recycling centers. Overall, people are relatively content with Charleston in all aspects.

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And there you have it: Charleston is the dirtiest city in South Carolina. Charleston has been named the dirtiest city by experts for a variety of reasons, including pollution, living conditions, and infrastructure. Charleston is unquestionably cleaner than other major cities around the country, but it is less clean than other cities in the state.

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