The United Kingdom Has Started a New Drug Safety and Harm Reduction Initiative!

The nightlife movement organization Good Night Out, Safer States has started a new drug safety and harm reduction effort in the UK.

A coalition of organizations, clubbers, and nightlife safety specialists offers drug education and community tools through Safer States. The Love Tank, Release, and Safe Only have also joined forces with Good Night Out on this project.

By tackling stigma and helping the UK nightlife industry “get real about drugs,” the program seeks to offer a “straightforward guide” to safer drug usage in social situations.

“As a training organization, we have weekly conversations with people who run events and work in venues about drugs and alcohol and how they interact with nightlife safety,” explains Yves Suzanne of Good Night Out.

“We are aware that drugs have always been a part of the nightlife, and we have observed the benefits of harm reduction in these contexts. It is well known that providing young people with knowledge about the medications they take results in better experiences all around, which is essential for safer evenings out.

MDMA, cocaine, ketamine, and NOS are some of the most widely used club drugs. The handbook will offer “vital, life-saving information” on the largest drug hazards and deadly combinations.

Safe Only Ltd., a queer harm reduction organization, says that harm reduction is fundamental to the queer experience because it makes life livable and beautiful in a society that has historically and increasingly been designed to cause damage. Dani

“In the context of substance use, harm reduction serves as a model for the kinds of structures and interactions that could exist anywhere, that acknowledges the complexity and messiness of human existence rather than attempting to put it into tidy, manageable boxes.”

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