Harvey Weinstein admitted to hospital after rape conviction overturned in New York

Harvey Weinstein has been hospitalized in New York City, just days after the New York Court of Appeals reversed his 2020 rape conviction.

According to the Associated Press, attorney Arthur Aidala confirmed on Saturday that Weinstein was committed to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan for a battery of testing.

“They examined him and transferred him to Bellevue. “He appears to require a great deal of physical assistance,” Aidala stated. “He has a lot of troubles. He’s undergoing a variety of testing. He’s a bit of a train wreck in terms of health.”

Harvey Weinstein admitted to hospital after rape conviction overturned in New York

According to Frank Dwyer, a spokeswoman for the New York City Department of Correction, Weinstein is still in jail at Bellevue.

“Mr. Weinstein has a history of high blood pressure, heart problems, and a variety of other medical difficulties. “The trip from the Walsh RMU to NYC triggered some of the health issues that required closer monitoring,” Weinstein’s spokesman, Juda Engelmayer, told Variety in a statement. “He was most recently in custody at the Walsh Regional Medical Unit (RMU) which is part of Mohawk Correctional Facility.”

On Thursday, the court ruled 4-3 that the judge in Weinstein’s trial exhibited prejudice by allowing women to speak on charges that were not part of the case. The judge ordered a new trial.

“We reaffirm that no person accused of illegality may be judged solely on evidence of uncharged crimes that serve only to establish the accused’s proclivity for criminal behavior,” stated Judge Jenny Rivera in the court’s majority ruling. “It is an abuse of judicial discretion to permit untested allegations of nothing more than bad behavior that destroys a defendant’s character but sheds no light on their credibility as related to the criminal charges lodged against them.”

In the 2020 New York case, Weinstein was convicted of first-degree criminal sexual assault and third-degree rape. He was serving a 23-year prison sentence at the Mohawk Correctional Facility in Rome, New York.

The former movie mogul will remain in prison after being convicted of rape in Los Angeles in 2022 and sentenced to an extra 16 years. However, Weinstein was acquitted in the Los Angeles trial on charges related to one of the women who testified in his New York case.

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