2025 Updates: What to Know About Los Angeles’s Paid Sick Leave Rules

In order to guarantee that employees have access to protected time off for health and safety concerns, Los Angeles paid sick leave rules compel companies to offer up to 48 hours of paid sick leave annually. When combined with California state standards, this local rule gives LA workers better benefits.

The California statewide rules are applicable in cases where the Los Angeles ordinance is silent or if the state requirements are more lenient. This covers particular areas, like the lending of paid sick leave, paystub statements, calculation techniques, notice requirements for expected leave, payment scheduling, and separation-related payments, when state law supersedes local regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Paid Sick Leave in Los Angeles

Paid sick leave provisions in Los Angeles set precise rules for accruing and using leave, and they complement state laws to offer complete safeguards for employees. What you need to know to maintain compliance is as follows.

In Los Angeles, who is eligible for paid sick leave?

Workers who fulfill all of the following requirements are eligible for this leave:

  • Work in the City of Los Angeles for at least two (2) hours throughout a given week.
  • according to California law, are not exempt
  • Work in the City of Los Angeles for the same company for a minimum of 30 days annually.

Which companies are required to offer this leave?

Employees in Los Angeles are entitled to this leave from all businesses.

How much leave must businesses offer?

Starting on their first day of employment, employees are entitled to one hour of paid sick leave for every thirty hours worked. Employees can start using accrued leave on the 90th day of employment, and the leave must be paid.

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What is the use of paid sick leave in Los Angeles?

In addition to preventative care, diagnosis, care, or treatment, employees may utilize this leave to address a physical or mental sickness, injury, or health condition that affects them or a family member. Concerns about sexual assault, domestic abuse, and employee stalking are also discussed.

Spouses, domestic partners, kids, parents, siblings, grandparents, grandkids, and anybody else whose close relationship with the employee is comparable to a family bond are all considered “family members.”

What does this have to do with other kinds of leave?

By implementing a paid time off program that offers a minimum of 48 hours of leave, employers can adhere to this sick leave regulation. Under the Citywide Hotel Worker Minimum Wage Ordinance (CHWMWO), hotel employees in Los Angeles are also subject to specific paid sick leave requirements.

Can businesses restrict the number of sick days that workers can take in a given year?

Employers are allowed to restrict sick leave usage to 48 hours per year. Employers may also set a 72-hour cap on total accrual. It’s crucial to remember that employees are permitted to accrue sick leave under the state law up to a maximum of 80 hours or 10 days, whichever is greater.

Is it possible for companies to offer all of the leave at once rather than allowing it to accrue?

Yes, rather than employing the accrual technique, companies can use the full 48 hours of paid sick leave at the start of the year. Employers who opt for this approach must still permit carryover, though.

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Does unused leave have to be carried over by employers?

Up to the 72-hour limit, employees are able to carry over unused leave. This is true whether leave is frontloaded or accumulated.

For instance, under the front-loading system, a full-time employee who starts work on January 1, 2025, will receive 48 hours of sick leave. The 48 hours of paid sick leave accrued in calendar year 2025 roll over if the employee does not use it. The employer front-loads an additional 48 hours on January 1, 2026, as needed. The sum now stands at 96 hours. The 72-hour sick leave cap might then be reached by the employer by implementing the cap and cutting the time by 24 hours.

What is the minimum amount of leave that an employee is permitted to take?

A minimum increment of use of no more than two hours may be specified by employers.

What notice is required of both employers and employees?

Employees are required to give advance notice for foreseeable leave. Employees are required to provide notice as soon as feasible for unplanned leave.

In a public space, employers are required to put a poster informing workers of their sick leave rights. English and any other language that at least 5% of the workforce speaks at work must be represented on the poster.

What kind of proof are employers allowed to request?

If an employee takes more than three days of paid sick leave in a row, the employer may demand reasonable verification. Employers cannot demand a description of a specific ailment or condition, nor can the verification requirement be so onerous as to preclude workers from taking time off.

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When workers take this vacation, are their employment and benefits protected?

Yes, workers who take this leave do not lose their jobs. Employers are required to reinstate any previously acquired but unused sick leave if workers are recruited again within a year of their separation. Employers are exempt from paying out unused sick leave at separation, though.

Los Angeles Paid Sick Leave Laws and Requirements for 2025.

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