The Fox panelist said Trump has ‘uncontrollable narcissism and rage’ when targeted

Former President Trump responds with “uncontrollable narcissism and rage” when he is criticized, according to a Fox News commentator, citing his combative election-night speech after winning the New Hampshire GOP primary on Tuesday.

Jessica Tarlov, a rotating co-host of Fox News’s “The Five” and a Democratic strategist, said during a panel discussion late Tuesday that “it would be smart” for Trump to target the Nikki Haley voter, but she was skeptical that he would be able to moderate his position and temperament enough to appeal to moderate voters.

The Fox panelist said Trump has ‘uncontrollable narcissism and rage’ when targeted

Tarlov cited various election results as potential warning signs for Trump to adjust his tone, but they were not.

“When he gets insulted, he exhibits uncontrollable narcissism and wrath, which appeals to the base, who say, ‘We love it. He is a counterpuncher. But you’ve already lost a general election. You presided over the fall of the Republican Senate and the Republican House. “Abortion has been on the ballot seven times,” Tarlov explained.

“Democrats have swept through all of that, and he has not moderated at all. And, frankly, I don’t believe he has the stamina to do it for more than 20 minutes,” she continued.

Trump won the GOP primary on Tuesday by 11 points against Haley. In her post-election speech, Haley conceded defeat but maintained an optimistic tone, promising to continue in the race. In his address following Haley’s, Trump attacked his opponent and attempted to pressure her to drop out, as have all other high-profile primary candidates. He also questioned Haley’s clothing, saying it looked cheap.

The Fox panelist said Trump has ‘uncontrollable narcissism and rage’ when targeted

“When discussing the general election, we talk about millions of votes. But it actually comes down to tens of thousands. Tarlov stated during the panel discussion that the margins in Georgia and Arizona, as well as Michigan and Pennsylvania, are minute.

Tarlov emphasized the necessity of even gaining a few votes on the margins if Trump wants to win the general election.

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She went on to say, “It can be the difference between whether you came out and you criticize your opponent’s dress, which some could interpret as demeaning a woman — again, which is obviously something that he suffers from — or just making a little offhanded comment that someone says, ‘You know what, I’m going to sit home’ or ‘actually, I want four more years of Joe Biden.'”

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