Mother Demands Arrest Nearly a Month After Miami Teen Stabbed and Killed

Thedailymiaminews– Nathalie Jean has created a memorial for her son, Yahkeim Lollar, who was 17 years old. The memorial is centered in the middle of her living room and is packed with images, flowers, and memories of her son.

Jean stated, “He had a smile that was worth a million dollars.” “He had the most stunning smile in the world.”

Jean had no idea that she would have to create such a precious environment for herself.

The mother expressed her disbelief by saying, “It’s incredible that he’s not here.”

After being stabbed on December 20 in the garage of their apartment building, which is located close to Northwest 6th Court and 61st Street, her son, who was also known to his family and friends as “Keimo,” took his own life.

Jean claims that after receiving the call informing her that something had occurred, she fled downstairs.

According to the police, Keimo had vanished.

I just passed out,” she said. “I’m sorry.” The sensation is similar to that of someone punching me in the stomach and removing all of the air from my stomach.

The knife was said to have penetrated his heart, and she claims that he was stabbed in the chest.

She stated, “That is my one and only son.” I’m simply yelling and going completely insane. And I’m thinking, ‘My kid, my son has passed away.'”

According to the Miami Police Department, the suspect is a young woman of 17 years old who was acquainted with Keimo.

Jean claims that the suspicious individual was the ex-girlfriend of her son.

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“He received a call from her on his phone,” she stated. While he was downstairs, he went to her.

After over a month has passed, the mother expresses her frustration that there has not been an arrest made.

Specifically, she inquired, “Why is it taking so much longer for my son to receive justice?”

Detectives are still working on the case, according to the Miami Police Department.

NBC 6 News received the following statement from the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office: “This matter is still under police investigation, and additional evidence and information are currently being gathered.” Due to the fact that it is widely acknowledged that there is a requirement for the complete gathering of evidence, an arrest has not yet been made.

According to Jean, Keimo, who was a junior at Miami Northwestern Senior High School, enjoyed spending time with his family, along with playing video games and playing football.

Jean stated, “We are getting ready for senior breakfast, and we are also getting ready for prom and graduation.” When this occurred, we were in the process of getting ready to go to college.

Jean expresses her desire for Keimo to be remembered not for his passing but for the way he lived his life.

She stated, “I do not want people to remember him that he was involved in this tragedy.” “I think it’s important that people remember him in a positive light.”

According to Jean, Keimo had aspirations of becoming a stockbroker and wanted to work in the financial industry.


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