Thedailymiaminews– In 2025, Washington State will change its driving rules, especially the rules about turning right on red. Here are the main points about this rule and the changes relating to it:
Overview of the Right Turn on Red Rule
General Rule: In Washington, drivers can turn right at a red light after stopping completely, as long as there are no signs that say they can’t. They must give way to walkers and any cars coming toward them before moving forward.
Important Updates for 2025
- Increased Signage: More crossings will have “No Turn on Red” signs, especially in busy city areas with many pedestrians and cyclists. This is meant to improve safety by showing where turns are not allowed.
- Protected Turn Lanes: Some intersections will have special right-turn lanes with their own traffic signals to keep cars and walkers safe from each other. This design is meant to make busy crossroads safer.
- Implementing Technology: New traffic lights might have sensors to find out if there are cyclists or walkers nearby. If these people are found, turning right may be banned even if there is no sign, making safety even better.
Reason for Changes
These changes are being made because there are more traffic accidents involving people like walkers and cyclists. The Washington Traffic Safety Commission has noticed more crashes happening from right turns on red. They are calling for tougher rules and better signs to help fix the problem.
Best Practices for Drivers
To stay safe when turning right on red, drivers should follow these tips:
- Complete Stop: Always stop completely behind the line or crossing.
- Yielding: Pedestrians and bicycles in special lanes have the right to go first.
- Awareness: Be aware of people that might be hard to see when you are turning.
- Follow Signs: Always follow “No Turn on Red” signs or any other signs about moving.
These changes show that Washington is dedicated to making roads safer and protecting those who are most at risk while driving. This is part of larger traffic law updates planned for 2025.