You Won’t Believe Which New York County Smokes the Most Weed

Thedailymiaminews– Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a plant that has over 100 chemicals or cannabinoids. Some of these compounds include THC, which is psychoactive (meaning it induces a high), and cannabidiol (CBD), which is not psychoactive. In 2019, an estimated 48.2 million persons in the United States consumed cannabis. On March 31, 2021, the use of cannabis for adults aged 21 and older was legalized in New York State.

However, which county in New York has the highest number of marijuana users? To address this issue, we used the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). This is an annual telephone survey of adults that was designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The survey is done in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and numerous U.S. territories.

The New York State Department of Health runs the New York BRFSS to offer information on behaviors, risk factors, and the use of preventive health services across the state and in specific regions. This information is related to the primary causes of chronic and infectious diseases, disability, injury, and mortality.

We examined the data that was gathered from the New York State Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (NYS BRFSS) in 2016. This data was used to determine the prevalence of current smoking among adults in New York State by county. We determined the percentage of adults in each county who reported consuming cannabis in the prior 30 days. We compared the results to the averages for the state and the nation as a whole.

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The Outcomes

The table below displays the percentage of adults in each county who reported consuming cannabis in the past 30 days, as well as the averages for the state and the nation as a whole.


CountyPercentageState AverageNational Average

According to the data, Washington County has the greatest percentage of adults who reported consuming cannabis in the past 30 days compared to all other counties in New York State. Fulton County and Herkimer County follow Washington County in this regard.

The Final Thoughts

The usage of cannabis is a common and changing occurrence in New York State and other places. The BRFSS offers important information about the patterns and trends of cannabis use among adults in various counties and regions. By recognizing these patterns and trends, we can more effectively promote and support the health and well-being of individuals and communities impacted by cannabis use.


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