Thedailymiaminews– Oregon is known for its beautiful scenery, but it also has some strange and enigmatic places. The state is famous for its rich history and natural beauty. Golden is one of these places. It is a deserted mining town located near Coyote Creek in Josephine County. Golden, which was once a thriving village of gold miners and their families, is now a ghost town that is filled with a sense of eeriness.
The Ascendancy and Decline of Golden
A group of prospectors who found gold in the area established Golden in the 1840s. More settlers came to the town soon after, and they constructed cabins, stores, a school, a church, and a post office. Golden was one of the most successful settlements in the area, with a population of around 200 at its highest point.
On the other hand, the town’s good luck did not last very long. By the 1880s, the gold reserves had been exhausted, and many workers relocated to other areas. By the early 1900s, the village had slowly deteriorated and turned into a ghost town. In 1920, the last resident of Golden passed away, leaving behind a collection of crumbling structures and artifacts.
The Golden Ghosts
Golden is a state heritage property that is open to the public as of today. Visitors can see the remains of the town, which include the church, the school, the post office, and a number of cabins. A few of the original pieces of furniture, tools, and relics are still kept inside the buildings, providing a window into the town’s history.
That said, not every guest is welcome in Golden. The ghosts of the people who used to live in the town are said to haunt it, according to local traditions. There are some people who say that they have seen ghosts of miners, children, and animals walking around in the streets. Some people say that they hear voices, footsteps, and music emanating from the vacant buildings. There are some people who even say that they have felt cold spots, touches, and pushes from forces that they cannot see.
Regardless of whether or not these claims are real, there is little question that Golden is an unsettling place to visit. The town’s seclusion, ruin, and history combine to produce a creepy aura that is difficult to overlook. If you are brave enough to go to Golden, be ready to meet the spirits of the people who lived during Oregon’s gold rush.