Thedailymiaminews– According to officials, a suspect who was barricaded fired and injured four police officers on Wednesday night. The policemen had responded to a call about a residential incident in San Antonio, Texas.
The shooting took place inside an apartment complex located in the Stone Oak district of north San Antonio.
According to San Antonio Police Chief William McManus, officers responded to a call from a family member of the suspect who reported that a “suicide in progress” was taking place.
McManus stated that the first officer arrived on the site and “was shot in the lower extremity.”
The police chief said, “Another officer who arrived after him or around the same time as him was also shot.” The third cop to arrive at the site was also shot. Finally, the fourth cop who arrived at the site was shot in the upper torso, I believe.
McManus stated that the four cops were taken to the hospital with injuries that were thought to be non-life-threatening.
The suspect, who is a guy in his 40s, was still besieged inside an apartment as of late Wednesday night. A few of the nearby units had already been evacuated. The precise events that resulted in the shooting remained uncertain. McManus did not provide any information about whether or not the cops returned fire.
“At this moment, SWAT is preparing to extract this person.” McManus added, “We’ll see how that goes once they have a plan.”
According to the head, the four cops who were injured had all been with the department for between four and eight years.