Each week, in an effort to provide greater familiarity and communication between the four Marathon City Council candidates and our readers, the Marathon Weekly has printed candidates’ answers to a series of questions in editions leading up to the Nov. 5 election. With councilman Luis Gonzalez terming out and councilman Kenny Matlock’s term expiring, the council will see at least one new face, as Matlock is seeking re-election. Former candidate Dustin Huff announced his withdrawal from the council race earlier this month.

Answers are printed exactly as submitted by candidates, with responses limited to 400 words.

This week, we provided an open-ended space for candidates to send their final messages to voters. 


I am here for the people of Marathon. What I mean by that is, I have no agenda, I own no Vacation Rentals, I have no property to be developed. I have no conflicts with the office of City Council. I will be honest and genuine in my decisions as I am truly running for the office to serve the needs of our citizens. How? By listening to our citizens and their concerns. I have made my email, FB, and office available as well as be accessible at all times. I began this run for all of those in our community that have felt that they had no voice. As I have talked and listened to more and more of our citizens, I have found that this to be the theme throughout our island community. I would like to be that voice. Through the campaign process I have spoken with business owners and individuals and have developed a deeper love for our community. That is just one of the things I will always be grateful to you all about.

I bring to the office, unique, professional experiences and wisdom of several successful careers.  I wish to follow in Luis Gonzalez footsteps as I could never replace him.  

My plan is simple. Understand the issues, listen to the wants and needs of the community and make the best decisions for that. I believe that work force housing, owner occupied housing, and our infrastructure should be our main concerns at this time. I have stated throughout my campaign that I am not against growth; however, our community welfare needs to be the priority. I will listen to all the issues you think are important and work with the city and the other Council office holders to best solve any and all.


Leaders are actually servant’s that listen to those they care about. I have raised five children two of which are here in Marathon my oldest a United States Marine. My wife and I have been married thirty-five years, so I understand commitment. We attend church here and our hearts are here for Marathon. I can think of no greater honor than to serve you, our community. I will promise you honesty and integrity in all I do as a Councilman. I ask for your vote, a vote for Ray Wood is a vote for Marathon.


The reason I’m running for City Council is for the interest of our LOCALS. I have lived here most of my life. As a homeowner, business owner I want to keep Marathon a great place to live and raise a family. I want to help the residents and younger generation have the great opportunities that I have to secure a home and business. I don’t want to have to move from here as my family and friends have due to the ever growing changes. I understand the issues facing the working people and long term LOCALS. I have worked along side of you and listened to your concerns. 

I have the experience in finance and community service necessary to be an effective City Council member. I understand the importance of infrastructure, maintenance and communication as our community grows and the quality of life for us and our environment. I am committed to making smart, ethical and deliberate decisions to ensure a balance between the full time residents and tourism. I pledge to work with that goal in mind! I LOVE Marathon and will continue working tirelessly for the people of this amazing and unique Island community.

Most of all I would appreciate your vote of confidence in me! 

Lynny a Voice for the Locals!


I am running for re-election not for ego or personal gain, but because I believe the taxpayers and residents of Marathon need better representation – which has been lacking in the past. I am a 5th generation, local family man that just grew tired of waiting for change; so, I decided to do something about it. I have been a business owner in Marathon for over 17 years. My wife was born here, and we are raising our daughter here. I love this town and am working to make it a place my daughter wants to live in when she grows up. For the past two years I have been a councilman that stands for families and home ownership, not developers and extreme rental prices and I will continue that fight. I am not your average Councilman that Marathon is so used to having, in fact, I take the term politician as an insult. I believe in 100% transparency in all city business, integrity and not only listening to the public but reflecting their desires in my votes. On multiple occasions I have spoken out in council to let the public speak when they were being silenced. I recognize government works for the taxpayers and not the other way around, and my votes in the past have and will continue to reflect that. We have many challenges facing our island and our delicate environment. We need practical common-sense solutions and someone that is not afraid to ask the hard questions, hold staff accountable and say what most people are thinking. I have and will continue to be that councilman if reelected.



This week the newspaper is asking me to tell you why you should vote for me. Seems like a simple question. I have always stood up for the residents of this town and treated everyone fairly and impartially. I brought new ideas, new programs, and new opportunities for parents, families and businesses. In my time on the council I learned so much about how things really work, and I know how to get things done. That’s where the experience comes in. There’s no substitute for it.  

We need council-people who will bear down, dig into the specifics, and focus on the tasks at hand.

In the coming years, our town needs steady, experienced leadership. Someone who understands not only the processes of local government but also the unique needs and dynamics of our community. Popularity won’t make a difference here; knowledge and awareness of the real issues will. It’s about listening to the voices of our residents, especially those who often go unheard, and addressing the day-to-day concerns that affect their lives. That’s what I’ve always done, and that’s what I will continue to do if elected.

I’m not here to offer vague promises or visions without substance. Instead, I’m here with a practical plan to address our challenges head-on. Let’s create a support structure for our local businesses, ensuring they have the resources they need to thrive. And for affordable housing, let’s work collaboratively with developers, residents, and fellow council members to design sustainable solutions that work for everyone.

Leadership isn’t about just pointing out the problems; it’s about crafting and implementing solutions. I want to be the person who moves our community forward, making it a better place to live, work, and raise a family, all while keeping it on the right track. I’m here to serve the people of this town, to listen, to understand, and to act. My experience has taught me how to tackle these issues not just in theory, but in practice.


I ask for your vote, not based on popularity, but on a track record of commitment, knowledge, and results. Let’s build a better, more vibrant town together, focusing on what truly matters and turning our shared vision into reality. Thank you.

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